with this ring: erin & wes // virgin islands destination wedding photography

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I’m smiling so huge right now as I begin this blogpost. Partly because I’ve been waiting so long to share it with all of you but mostly because I honestly still can’t believe this day even happened.

Erin and Wes wed on a overcast day in June on a tiny island right off of St Thomas. And I photographed it.

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This was honestly the most laid-back wedding day I had ever been a part of. Erin got ready at a casual pace. Wes and his son Will put on their clothes and then headed out to the porch to take in the view. Wes’ mother went back and forth between the boys and where Erin fixed her hair, just checking in on everyone. Nothing rushed, every moment could be experienced and taken in.

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James was with me for everything before the ceremony, and I just wanted to take a moment to brag on him for the above photo. I mean, he got a flying bird in focus using the tilt-shift lens. If you don’t understand that last sentence it’s okay, just know it’s a difficult feat and he did it. Yay, Jamie!

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Once dressed and ready, Erin went outside to reveal her wedding day look to her groom.

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So the day just kept getting more and more surreal as it went on.

Because next we got in helicopters.

To fly to the island ceremony.

I’m still as giddy as a little schoolgirl even THINKING about how cool a day this was. I can’t even handle it.

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And then the most intimate wedding ceremony I could imagine took place. No aisle, no processional, no pomp — just the open island air, a bride, a groom, and two members of their family who love them dearly.

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The celebration that naturally unfolded after the ceremony was so uninhibited that Erin and Wes just fell into a little dance on the beach.

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So Will and his grandmother started up a little dance of their own.

There was so much joy on that tiny island.

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On the helicopter rides back, Erin and Wes took the second round so that I could take some ariel shots of them on the beach where they said “I do.” Can you see yet why I said that I can’t even believe this day happened?

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Erin had told me from the beginning of planning that she wanted some photos IN the water. So that’s how we ended the day — in the ocean with the sun setting over the islands.

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Erin and Wes, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — thank you so much for inviting me into such an incredibly special day in the life of your family. Your love for each other is entirely evident and such a joy to photograph.

Oh, life. What an adventure.

3 Responses to “with this ring: erin & wes // virgin islands destination wedding photography”
  1. Stephanie says:

    This may or may not be the best wedding I’ve ever seen from you.
    Seriously. Wow.
    I’m so glad you got to experience it and you did a fantastic job capturing it!!

  2. Tracy says:

    Jillian, what beautiful coverage of such a different type of wedding. I love the soft tones in the pictures. Very intimate.

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