with this ring: carson + preston, rainy day wedding photographer
Posted on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 · Leave a Comment

All this rainy weather we’ve been having lately keeps reminding me I need to get Carson and Preston’s November wedding up on the blog (finally). So that’s what I’m doing today.
A few days before their wedding I get an e-mail from Carson that said, “It does look like it’s going to rain on Saturday. I’m actually not worried at all! Just so you know we have bubble umbrellas and rain boots for cute-ness and Preston and I are super flexible and excited either way.” ‘Atta girl, Carson. ‘Atta girl.
And rain it did that Saturday. But worry we did not. Some of the photos below were taken in the rain, some were taken between showers, plus a storm hit during the ceremony and even flooded part of the aisle. Still, every single person there was excited either way.

You know, it may have been three or four times throughout the course of their wedding day that Carson looked at me with astounding sincerity and said, “I am so glad you’re here today.” That’s the kind of people Carson and Preston are. It was the kind of wedding I left feeling warm and fuzzy and so incredibly blessed to have played the role of documenter for.
The warm-fuzzies didn’t stop after the wedding either, because when I sent Carson the gallery link of images once they were all edited, this was her response:
“Jillian! Oh these are the most beautiful pictures I could have asked for. You captured the day perfectly. I am the happiest. I feel like not only did you encompass what the day looked like in the photos, but completely what the day felt like. I was able to go on the journey of the whole day again. The storytelling was spot on. I feel so blessed to get to experience it all again.”
That right there is exactly what I’m after in shooting weddings. I hope looking at the images takes you back to the feeling of your wedding day over and over again — it was definitely a day worth reliving.