Meet Emily and Logan.
Emily and Logan leave the impression that they like life best when the other is in it. They’re the couple that kind of leaves the rest of the world feeling a bit outside of the Emily-Logan realm. The rest of the world is just a bit farther away from them than they are from each other.
This fact cannot deter people though, because we all know it’s right, that it’s the way it’s meant to be. We see it in their eyes. Their lives are better when the other is in it.
The fact of the matter is, Logan currently lives and works in the oil fields of West Virgina. Emily lives and student teaches in Texas. But when they’re together, they like their lives best.
Can I tell you a secret? When I met up with Emily to discuss wedding photography a few months before this shoot, she was all. business. But around Logan, this girl is all. smiles. I realize that obviously her future wedding photographer would not produce the same giddy-fying effect on her as her fiance, but seriously the shift from “without Logan in proximity” to “with Logan in proximity” was almost like meeting a different person.
This time, I was meeting “madly-in-love” Emily.
This shot above is easily one of my favorites from the shoot.
Gosh. I really can’t help but giggle to myself. Emily is incredibly petite. And Logan is . . . not AS petite.
Guys, I honestly cannot say with complete  certainty that they even remembered that I was there taking pictures of them sometimes. Like these times. All they knew was that there were not seven states between them anymore. They were together.
Why helloooooooooooooo, pretty light and pretty people.
Hey, Logan. Good job.
There is such adoration in both sets of those eyes.
Ya know. Just chillin’ on some train tracks.
I’m so excited for Emily and Logan’s wedding this summer. Then a trip halfway across the country can no longer stand a chance at separating these two. Then they can like their lives best all the time — as husband and wife.
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