Meet Robyn and Cole.
You know how some people just exude fabulousness? That’s Robyn.
Ok, how do I say this? My first impression of  Cole was not as the type of guy who can be openly lovey-dovey. He comes off as a guy who would be pained by such displays of affection.
Not. with. this. girl. I can just see his initial dispassionate demeanor melt around Robyn. That exterior layer hits the ground in a pool of love and dove.
Robyn informed me that this is how they sit on the couch and watch movies and therefore it must be replicated in their engagement pictures.
See? Fabulousness.
Loooooooooooooooooook at how he loooooks at herrrrrrrrrr. Doesn’t it just kill you? Never, ever forget how to look at her like that, Cole.
Let me talk straight with you — I am incredibly pleased with a lot of pictures that came out of this shoot. But this one above is one of my favorites.
Now, we’ve already talked about the way Cole looks at Robyn. But now watch how Robyn looks at Cole.
Go ahead and let it stop your heart for a bit.
Can I just tell you how this picture happened? I was positioning Robyn and Cole when Robyn looked back at me for a second and I immediately said, “Stop. right. there.” Forget the original pose — this was too good to pass up.
Throughout the shoot I kept noting to myself, “THAT shot was the ‘hero-shot.'” Usually a shoot will bring a definitive “hero-shot” — the shot that stands above all the rest. But with these two I would keep shooting and find myself saying, “No, I guess THIS one is the ‘hero-shot’ . . . or maybe it’s this one?” There were SO many take-away shots from this one. At the risk of sounding cheesy, it was like magic unfolding in front of my eyes over and over. Robyn and Cole — you are breathtaking together.
Meet the Wilson family.
I met up with the Amanda, Joey, Carter and Abbey on a sunny afternoon a couple of weeks ago in Denton.
Amanda, I’m a firm believer in big bows on tiny baby girls too.
Carter is the type of three-year-old that needs to be constantly engaged in what’s going on or else he tends to wander . . . Â like up the underside of a bridge. But Amanda just climbed up there to him and played right along with him.
It was then that I realized how much I admire Amanda and her mother-of-a-three-year-old morale.
I just love how it looks like Carter is break dancing in the picture on the left. As I mentioned in the sneak peek, Carter is energetic. To say the least. I described him to Amanda as one of those little toy cars that you wind up and just have to let go round and round in circles until they run out and need to be wound up again. She agreed.
Sweet baby Abbey couldn’t keep up with Carter, so she just slept contentedly in her daddy’s arms.
I was so pleased with the surprise ‘pop’ their blanket brought to some of the pictures with it’s pattern and color. Good going, Wilson family. High fives all around.
Home boy has some amazing eyelashes.
And home girl has some B-L-U-E eyes.
In looking through my pictures I would have to stop multiple, multiple times to shake my head at how gorgeous Amanda’s smile is. It definitely slowed down my editing a bit.
Goodness, aren’t they just adorable? Amanda and Joey, y’all are precious together. I repeat, precious.
I like this shot of Carter from the very end of the shoot because I feel like it’s the most serene one of him from the entire afternoon. The toy car finally wound down.
Wilson family, it was terribly fun getting to know your sweet family. Let’s do it again sometime.
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