personal: june in instagrams
Y’all, June was a big month for the Zamoras. This month we celebrated three years of marriage. I turned 24. We shot a wedding in the Virgin Islands. Also James had a solo show at the Magnolia Theatre in Dallas.
Like I said, it was a big month.
I’m terrible at not always documenting my own life with my “big girl” camera but I AM a faithful instagramer, so I thought I’d share the month’s highlights with you with some of my Iphone photos.
We started the month off with our third anniversary and decided this year we wanted to celebrate it Denton style. We went to brunch at one of our favorite breakfasts spots, Seven Mile Cafe, and then headed to the square where we walked around a sculpture exhibit and bought an extraordinary amount of candy.
Hey, we were celebrating.
Later that afternoon we went to see a movie and ended the day at a great Denton restaurant that I have been wanting to try forever called Hannah’s off the Square. It did NOT disappoint.
And neither did our third year of marriage. I’m so incredibly lucky to have James by my side for the rest of my life. Some days all I can think about is how thankful I am to Jesus for granting me the very best, most hilarious, loving man as a husband.
A couple of weeks later we were off to shoot a wedding in St. Thomas and despite how sleepy James looks in the photo below taken at the airport we were very, VERY excited for this opportunity to work with such a great couple in such a breathtaking place.
One of the things I was looking forward to the most about this trip was the helicopter ride to the island where the ceremony would take place — I had never been in a helicopter before and it was just SO MUCH FUN!
 The entire day all I could do was think to myself, “I can’t believe this is really happening.”
I honestly still can’t.
We are so thankful to Erin and Wes for giving us such a great opportunity. I’m so excited to get their images all edited and blogged in the coming weeks, but for now you can view their preview here.
The following day James and I got to explore a bit around the island just for fun. I did actually bring my DSLR camera on some of those adventures and will perhaps blog those later when I blog their wedding images — we shall see.
Back at home we reunited with our sweet pup Jack. Just in case you were wondering, yes, he is still super-adorable.
This photo was taken just this past Thursday at James’ opening reception for his solo painting show at the Magnolia Theatre in Dallas. Y’all, he’s so ridiculously talented. I’m just so proud of him.
If you’d like to see his work in person, it will be up through the end of July so be sure to swing by and take it all in if you get the chance.
And that right there was our June in a nutshell. James and I will be packing up this week to head out for a mission trip to Denia, Spain with a group from the church I grew up in, Tolar Baptist Church. I’ve been twice before and blogged last summer’s trip, but this will be James’ first time to come meet our dear friends at Alfa y Omega so I’m super-pumped about it!
Feel free to follow along with all of my instagram feed at @jillian_zamora_photo.
Happy last day of June, everyone!