Jonathan wanted to surprise his wife, Brista, with a photo session to document their love and family as they are now, in their fourth year of marriage.
So that’s what we did.
Jonathan and Brista had fallen in love with this little old church near Allen and decided they’d like to have some of their photos done inside. I love shooting in different environments so I jumped on the idea.
Jonathan is a worship leader at their church, so of course we had to take a couple of musically inclined photos too.
This sums up the Mayfields at this point  — each other and their lovable pups.
And when we started toward the next spot, my heart went pitter patter. I just love how these next set of images turned out.
Dude, Brista, I am LOVING that pop of color you added with your scarf and earrings. Well played, well played.
Yah, okay, Gorgeous.
 Jonathan and Brista — I had such a great time documenting the fun you guys have together.  I wish you infinitely more happy years of marriage.