christmas card, jillian and jonas
Meet Jillian and Jonas. This is their first time on the new blog, but man did they kick off my old one. How do I explain Jill and Jonas? They are the first couple who told me they wanted me to shoot all the photography leading up to and including their wedding — and then they told me they believed in my ability as a photographer, and let me run with that trust. I appreciate these two more than I can express. And now to get to shoot their Christmas card pictures for their first married Christmas is just so special! My camera has been itching to photograph them ever since it snapped the last picture of them waving goodbyes at their wedding reception lo four months ago.
Here are a few of my favorites.
This shot was an accident and I love it. I was trying to coach Jonas into how to hold his hands and he thought he’d be cute and pose like a little girl. Which lead us to all laugh at him. Which led to a wonderfully candid shot.
Hey, y’all have the same last name now. Isn’t that fun? ‘P’ is for PALOMINO!!
Yay for Jill, Jonas and polar bear sweaters.
I think you’ve said this before, Jillian, but is Jill not the most photogenic, modelesque thing, ever?!? I love these pics of my favorite most precious couple!!