So, I can’t really put how wonderful Brenna and Forrest are into words. Instead I’m just going to give you a tiny snippet of the e-mail Brenna sent me the day after their engagement session to give you a general idea of what basically ALL our e-mail correspondence has been like since day one:
“If I could send you an auditorium of people all slow clapping and shouting things like “YOU ARE AWESOME,†“WAY TO BE GREAT,†“GOD BLESS AMERICA!†I TOTALLY would. Because that is how I feel about yesterday and you and the whole process of everything. “
Who WOULDN’T love receiving e-mails like that??
Brenna, I’ve loved loved loved bonding with you over tacos, Jesus and how cute Juniper is (duh). Forrest, thank you for taking such crazy-good care of/being the best fit ever for my favorite e-mail pen pal. I adore y’all and can’t wait to meet up for your wedding Friday — WOO!
blissfully engaged
blissfully engaged: Tamara + Sunil // hamilton pool austin engagement session
Tamara + Sunil — making winter in Texas look REAL REAL GOOD since 2017.
The day of their session was not only my first time t0 visit Hamilton Pool (aka MARS), but also my first time to meet Tamara + Sunil in person because they were living in London last year. How cool is that?? Every time one of Tamara’s Instagram posts popped into my feed they were in a different country (This is us in Morocco! Oh hey, Barcelona is pretty neat. And on and on, you get the picture).  But let me just tell you, turns out they’re all the more awesome face-to-face than even the Internet made them seem.
I cannot, cannot wait for their Austin wedding next month. But I guess I’ll have to because, ya know, time travel doesn’t exist yet.
I took these photos out near L.A. back in December but am just now getting around to blogging them because February has been my first little reprieve from shooting (well, at least as much) and have actually had some spare moments to share some of my past work with you all. I’m thankful for this bit of time to breathe deep and reflect a bit. I’m so excited for this upcoming year and the wonderful, wonderful people who have so graciously entrusted me with their wedding documentation — and this category of course includes Laura and Chris.
Laura and Chris, I love how effortlessly yourselves y’all are (which, turns out, is really quite fun). I very much enjoy that we share a mutual adoration for Parks and Rec. And Laura, just in case I did not exclaim uncontrollably enough about this throughout the second half of the shoot, YOU WERE WEARIN’ THE HECK OUTTA THAT RED LIPSTICK, MA’AM.
This is Scott and Elise and I love them and yes, they’re actually this happy in real life.
You guys, no lie, I don’t know if I’ve ever met anyone who is as happy as Scott and Elise with the work/life balance they’ve struck. And the fun part is you don’t have to be jealous because they wanna teach you how to thrive in both your business AND your life too — just check out My Own Irresistible Brand to learn more. I promise you this isn’t a paid advertisement, I just really think they’re awesome and know what they’re talking about so I wanted to share with you guys too!
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