I shot an engagement session today. The couple laughed and laughed and laughed. The entire shoot.
I loved it.
Once I got in my car after the shoot was over, I caught a glimpse of myself in the rear-view mirror. Woof. “Now I know why they were laughing the whole shoot . . . ” The wind had blown my hair into a giant frizz-ball. The same wind had made my eyes water for the past hour and a half and left my make-up half on and half off.
All jokes aside, I loved shooting Emily and Logan’s engagements today. They’re so in love they probably didn’t even notice my windblown look.
This week is spring break and most people have been getting ready to sit back and relax but I’m just gearing up — I have five photo shoots this week. FIVE. I may or may not listen to Taylor Swift to pump myself up before shoots (don’t judge).
Get ready for lots and lots of blog updates. Happy spring break!
Meet Robyn and Cole.
You know how some people just exude fabulousness? That’s Robyn.
Ok, how do I say this? My first impression of  Cole was not as the type of guy who can be openly lovey-dovey. He comes off as a guy who would be pained by such displays of affection.
Not. with. this. girl. I can just see his initial dispassionate demeanor melt around Robyn. That exterior layer hits the ground in a pool of love and dove.
Robyn informed me that this is how they sit on the couch and watch movies and therefore it must be replicated in their engagement pictures.
See? Fabulousness.
Loooooooooooooooooook at how he loooooks at herrrrrrrrrr. Doesn’t it just kill you? Never, ever forget how to look at her like that, Cole.
Let me talk straight with you — I am incredibly pleased with a lot of pictures that came out of this shoot. But this one above is one of my favorites.
Now, we’ve already talked about the way Cole looks at Robyn. But now watch how Robyn looks at Cole.
Go ahead and let it stop your heart for a bit.
Can I just tell you how this picture happened? I was positioning Robyn and Cole when Robyn looked back at me for a second and I immediately said, “Stop. right. there.” Forget the original pose — this was too good to pass up.
Throughout the shoot I kept noting to myself, “THAT shot was the ‘hero-shot.'” Usually a shoot will bring a definitive “hero-shot” — the shot that stands above all the rest. But with these two I would keep shooting and find myself saying, “No, I guess THIS one is the ‘hero-shot’ . . . or maybe it’s this one?” There were SO many take-away shots from this one. At the risk of sounding cheesy, it was like magic unfolding in front of my eyes over and over. Robyn and Cole — you are breathtaking together.
Meet Hollye.
Hollye is another dear friend of mine. She had never had any photos taken of just her before so for her birthday we set out on a picture-taking adventure! Here are a few of the shots from our walk.
Several things you will immediately notice upon meeting Hollye are: 1) she is absolutely beautiful 2) she is absolutely hilarious and 3) she puts her whole heart into everything she does.
For these reasons she is 1) a particularly good friend and 2) particularly fun to take pictures of.
Annnnnd she brought props — a FULL SUITCASE of props! We had so much to work with which made for an absolutely delightful shoot. Delightful, I say!
On our walk we were also toting a large golden picture frame (around my neck — it was very becoming) and mirror, just waiting for the opportune moment to use them in our shoot.
Gosh, I know I said it earlier but something I l-o-v-e-d about photographing Hollye is that she was completely uninhibited in everything she did. She didn’t make one awkward or embarrassed face the entire shoot — she just threw herself into every pose, every facial expression, every laugh and it made for beautiful, uninhibited photos.
Don’t get me wrong — I don’t mind people who make awkward faces. I’m one of them when I’M in front of the camera. But I want everyone I ever take pictures of to know that I’m NEVER behind my camera thinking to myself, “WHAT do they think they are doing?” whenever someone is trying something new for a picture or really committing to a particular pose. Â I’m pretty much always behind my camera thinking, “That’s so great!!”
I like to think of the mirror in these pictures as a rabbit’s hole into another world.
Gosh. I love everything about this picture — the cool, quiet contentedness of it all.
Yeah, girl.
We wanted to end with some standard Hollye shots — her Ray-Bans and a button down.
Why yes, Hollye did happen to have a giant, glittery maple leaf on hand.
Hollye, you are beautiful.
Yeah, I’ll end on that note.
Thank you, my friend, for letting me take you picture. I hope they fully capture your amazing, adventurous spirit.
Meet Laura and Preston.
Laura and I went to the same teeny tiny high school together, and I believe the last time I had seen her in person was at my older sister’s (and Laura’s) high school graduation FIVE YEARS AGO. So it was especially exciting to get to meet up with her and her husband Preston for Christmas card pictures in the big city of Denton . . . although all the pictures are in fields . . . just trust me on this one.
Loooooove it. Love it. Such beautiful people letting me take their photo. Love it.
The conversation directly after I took this picture was as follows:
me – “Preston is making such a stoic face.”
Laura – “He’s going to use that word all the time now.”
It did my heart well to see how much Laura laughed around Preston. I like knowing people are happy.
Here Preston was telling us about the auto-biography he’s got in the works. The photo on the left is the book cover.
Laura and Preston, thank you for coming to Denton and being your beautiful selves in front of my camera.
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