Kylie and Mac, y’all are the type of people who get me really, really excited about what I do for a living. Thank you for that.
Based off of how great a time we had at your engagement session I’m going to go ahead and say that your wedding in March is going to be ridiculously awesome. I can’t wait!
blissfully engaged , with this ring
with this ring: debbie and travis // southern california wedding photography
It’s hard to put into words how great this wedding was. How great this couple is.
And it wasn’t even just that Debbie and Travis flew me and James over several states to be their wedding photographers. It wasn’t that we would get to sight-see around Southern California in the days following the wedding. And it wasn’t that their ceremony and reception took place in an awesome, desert canyon.
(Although all of those things were unbelievably amazing.)
It’s mostly that Debbie and Travis’ love for each other, for others, and for Jesus is so overwhelmingly evident that it just draws people to them, which made for the kind of day that makes a couple of photographers forget that they were going on less than three hours of sleep after shooting a wedding halfway across the country the night before. Once our plane touched down in California, we drove straight to the hair salon where Debbie warmly greeted us in a ball of giddy, bridal excitement. And that pretty much set the tone for the entire day.
And it was riiiiiiight about at then that I walked backwards into a cactus.
Below is the photo documentation of HOW INCREDIBLY SWEET you guys are, Debbie and Travis. Upon my calm proclamation that I had tons of cacti needles embedded in my leg, they both IMMEDIATELY dropped to their knees and began picking them out for me. On THEIR wedding day. I like, didn’t even have time to object they were so fast. Gosh, they’re so great.
(Check out that sweet Cali sunburn I’m sporting in the above photo.)
Debbie and Travis, thank you from the very bottom of our hearts for welcoming us so heartily both into California and into your beautiful wedding day. I’m not joking when I say that I miss you guys after only spending one day in your presence. That’s some kind of powerful welcoming.
Y’all are awesome. Marriage is awesome. And finally getting your wedding on the JZP blog is awesome. X’s and O’s to the Gilleys!
Nicki told me she wanted two backdrops for her engagement session: a laundromat and the Dallas skyline. So that’s what we did.
Nicki and Jake met in college, so of course a totally viable location for them to casually spend time together during the friend stage of their relationship was at a laundromat.
Although they met out at UMHB in Belton, Dallas is where they’ll start their married life together come March. Say it with me, “Awwwww!“
Nicki, you’re seriously such a complete and total babe. And check out that handsome guy next to you!
Nicki and I grew up going to church together which I believe puts us at having known each other for more than a decade now. Woah. I’m so ridiculously proud of who this girl has become. And I feel certain there is not a better man to be her husband than Jake. I’m so happy for you guys and CANNOT WAIT for March.
Also my car got towed from Nicki’s apartment complex at the end of the shoot. No big deal.
This is Kelsey and Grady — two of mine and James’ closest friends. Kelsey and I lived together for two years in college and somehow became even closer friends after James and I got married and Kelsey eventually ended up living in the same apartment complex as us. I believe one time we counted it was something like 60 steps between our front door and hers. That was when Kelsey started talking about this guy Grady she had met through working Super Summer Camps that summer. They were “just friends” and I was the first to call that they were “just lying to themselves” about being “just friends.”  Now after two years of long-distance dating, then not-long-distance, and back and forth one more time all taking place between Denton, Arkansas, Dallas and Granbury  they’re indeed more than just friends — they’re totally engaged. And I couldn’t be happier for them.
Editing these photos I smiled, I cried, I straight up lol-ed. And then I cried some more. In my six years of knowing Kelsey I’ve never, ever seen her as happy and thriving as she’s been since she met Grady.  There’s just something about watching a best friend go through the engagement and wedding planning process that helps refresh my memory of why I love and am so thankful for what I am able to do for a living.
Here are just a few of my favorites from Kelsey and Grady’s engagement session.
Kelsey and Grady, y’all are so good together and I’m so excited to officially vouch for that statement by standing beside y’all during your wedding ceremony come January.
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