katie & nick

Here’s my predicament. I’m really behind on blogging. But every time I try to catch up I get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of posts to blog before I’m up to date.

Some may say : “Just blog your newer work! You have a different editing style now, some newer equipment, yadda-yadda . . . “

And I get on board with that mentality.

Until I let myself go back to past weddings. And then I fall in love with the couples all over again. And I remember how incredibly thankful I am that these first-year clients took a risk on a newbie photographer. I fall in love with their love.

And so I blog.

Granted, I have to keep it short until I’m caught up. But blog I do.

Meet Katie and Nick. They are awesomely quirky and there were multiple dinosaurs present at their wedding.

First look fun!


Remember when I mentioned that these two were quirkily awesome? Yeah, they were zombies in some of their wedding party photos.

Dinosaur tattoos AND stickers were basically required wedding party attire.

I have no doubt that your first year of marriage has been both quirky and awesome — and I know you two wouldn’t have it any other way.

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