Behind the scenes 2012
Happy last day of 2012, everyone! James and I are having such a great Christmas-New Years break. So far we’ve done Christmas with both sets of families, celebrated the marriage of a couple of dear friends, and now we’re in Arkansas visiting MORE dear friends.
In honor of the last day of 2012 I thought it might be fun to do a JZP behind the scenes blogpost. Through the year we ended up with a nice little collection of photos I took of James working and photos James took of me working — and in most of them we look pretty ridiculous, and that’s okay.
James caught me documenting how dedicated he was to a detail shot at a wedding in February.
This is my fun reception face.
Apparently in order to be deemed a proper reception face, my mouth must be open? At this wedding reception my little brother was a guest — isn’t he so cute?!
James thought he could do his Footloose moves without any wedding guests seeing him . . .
Sometimes photographers like to photobomb too.
I like to think that photos like these prove my clients really do think I’m funny. Let me think that.
James got pulled onto the dance floor (against his will) Â by a guest at this reception. Of course I thought it was hilarious.
James gets all bossy during the bouquet toss.
Look! It’s TIFFANY! She was one of my brides from 2011 and I was SO PLEASED to get to see her at a wedding I was shooting this September.
James thought the groom would really want a photo with him before the first dance.
Talking with my hands is a constant necessity.
Dinosaur hand?
Apparently I go all flight-attendant before the first look.
And that right there was a peek into JZP’s 2012 behind the scenes. We are so incredibly thankful for all of our WONDERFUL clients that we had the joy of working with this year and are very much looking forward to everyone we get to work with in 2013. And thanks for not pointing out to us how ridiculous we tend to look while working with y’all.
Have a happy, happy new year’s eve!
y’all are cute.